Friday, October 31, 2008

Berry Bread

1. 115ml/½ cup Milk

2.115ml/½ cup Water1 Medium Egg, beaten

3. 3 tbsp Melted Butter

4. 4 tbsp Gooseberry Jam

5. 1 tsp Salt

8. 100g/¾ cup Semi Dried Blueberries*

1. Put the flour, blueberries and salt into a bowl and sprinkle the yeast over.
2. Mix to a soft dough with the jam, butter, egg, water and milk.
3. Turn onto a floured surface and knead for 10 minutes.
4. Shape as desired and put into an appropriate greased tin.
5. Leave to prove slowly* until double in size.
6. Place in an oven preheated to 220oC/425oF/Gas Mark 7 and immediately turn the oven down to 200oC/400oF/Gas Mark 6 and bake for 25-30 minutes.
7. When cooked the loaf should sound hollow when tapped on the bottom. Cool in a wire rack before slicing.
* If you want your loaf to prove faster, use 2½ tsp (1 sachet) of Allinson Easy Bake Yeast.

Thanks BakingMad

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