Friday, October 24, 2008

Lemon tart with orange sauce

Preparation time 30 mins to 1 hour
Cooking time 30 mins to 1 hour (Serves 4 )



1. 125g/4oz plain flour

2. pinch salt

3. ½ lemon, zest only

4. 55g/2oz icing sugar

5. 100g/3½ oz butter

6. 1 egg, yolk only (save white for Orange Sauce - see below)


1. 335g/11½oz eggs (2 large, 3 small)

2. 80g/3¼oz caster sugar

3. 90ml/3fl oz lemon juice

4. ½ lemon, zest only

5. 90ml/3fl oz double cream

Orange Sauce

1. 1 egg, white only

2. 100g/3½oz icing sugar

3. 1 orange, grated rind and juice


1. To make the pastry, mix the flour, salt, zest, sugar and butter until it resembles breadcrumbs.

2. Add the yolk and mix to a paste. Roll the mixture out in cling film until ¼cm/1/8in thick, then use to line the tart case. Place in the fridge for 1 hour.

3. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6.

4. Bake the pastry case blind for approximately 30 minutes, until completely cooked. Reduce the oven to 130C/250F/Gas 1/2.

5. To make the filling, beat the egg and the sugar together very gently until the eggs are completely broken down.

6. Add the lemon juice and pass the mixture through a sieve.

7. Add the zest and cream. Skim off any froth from the top.

8. When the tart case is baked, brush the inside of the pastry with a little egg white.

9. Pour the filling mixture into the pastry case and bake for approximately 20 minutes, until set. Leave slightly wobbly in the centre.10. To make the sauce, beat the egg whites until stiff. 11. Gradually beat in the sugar.12. Stir in the orange rind and juice and blend well. 13. Serve the sauce immediately with the lemon tart.

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